Monday, September 7, 2015

Bares Repeating Monday: Furbaby Edition

Guys and animals are all the rage lately.  A few weeks ago Dr. Mike went viral. Sure Dr. Mike is hot, but let's be honest hot doctors are a dime a dozen.  Hot doctors who love their dogs, that's the next level hot.  I was also recently introduced to this website(NSFW) and let's just say it's a game -changer.

A real game-changer is this little peanut: Lillian Olive aka Lily.

Don't let those sweet grey eyes fool you, she's a beast.  A rescue kitty we got from the farm, her mom abandoned her but she did everything she could to survive. She's a fighter.  She gave us a scare on Saturday but now after two hour feedings and specialized kitty formula she is ruling the house.
As it should be.
The best moment by far is when my hubby picked up Lily and she fell asleep in his arms.  It made me fall in love with my husband all over again!
Animals show a softer side of people. Even the most macho of man turns to putty over a cute little kitty.  The strongest fall the hardest, as did Brady in Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis.
Brady is a pilot-for hire who's home is wherever he lands.  Lilah's home is Sunshine Idaho with an ark of animals.  When Brady meets Lilah he just doesn't fall for her, he falls for the animal Lilah cares for.
Animal Magnetism is the first book in the 'Animal Magnetism' series.   I came a little late in the game and devoured the series in about a week, and I wait with bated breath for the next book in the series to come out.
If you are an animal-lover you will love LOVE the whole Animal Magnetism series!

To learn more about Bares Repeating Monday go here

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Short Story Sunday

I don't want to see Christmas decorations up before November, but I'll take a good Christmas romance any day of the year.  Plus a personal favorite story-line: Two people who loved from afar find their way to each other. 
Grant MacKenzie is ready to join his cousins in wedded bliss, and Annabeth just wants to find love in a family.  How Grant and Annabeth come together is exciting and cute. 

Check out A MacKenzie Christmas HERE.

Estimated page length: 38 pages.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Books to Read

A running tab of books I want to read:

Tough Love Lori Foster (reading now)
If You Only Knew Kristan Higgins
Tempt Me Like This Bella Andre
Rule CD Reiss

Feel free to leave suggestions below.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Falling for Her; Book Review

Book: Falling for HerAuthor: Sandra Owens

Release Date: September 29, 2015 but available to pre-order here

NetGalley Reader 

I'll get this out of the way; when I read the main character's name was Sugar Darling I was a bit weary about starting this book.  It's a sweet name.  A name the conjures up thoughts of unicorns and rainbows and all the things you find on a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper.  Not hot and heavy romance. Once I got my head out of the sugary sweet cotton candy clouds, I saw Sugar Darling for what she was: a fierce, determined SURVIVOR!  
As the great Shakespeare asks 'What's in a name?" 
Sugar Darling and Jamie 'Saint' Turner's characters find themselves in a sort of self-imposed purgatory life.  One hiding behind a name and the other an image of a name.  Both characters work together to shatter their walls and protect each other from a horrible enemy.
Sandra tackles some very real life issues with an  understanding and tenderness.  Those tense real moments make you feel for the characters, and most importantly root for them.  You want Jamie and Sugar to find love just as much as they do!  
 Sugar and 'Saint' are a real testament to Shakespeare's quote.  Whether it's a name we give to ourselves or other's give to us; we are more than our name.
Sandra's understanding of a sensitive social issue combined with the edge of your seat suspense story is why I give 'Falling For Her'....

Four Reading Glasses

Falling For Her is the third book in the K2 Team series by Sandra Owens.  

Monday, August 31, 2015

Bares Repeating Monday: LOL Edition

I have a love-hate relationship with the 'LOL' acronym.  The ease of expressing how funny something is is a plus.  This ease of expression I feel has caused a conundrum; are you really laughing-out-loud when you write 'LOL'??

I will be the first to admit that I have used the 'LOL' and not actually LOL'd.   GUILTY!

I might have wrote 'LOL' but all I really did was a shake-my-head-give-a-little-grunt laugh.  Or a nod-my-head-whilst-giving-a-quiet-chuckle laugh.  Or the this-is-not-really-funny-but-I-feel-bad-for-the-person-who-thinks-this-is-funny-so-I-will-just-comment-LOL-but-I-am-really-not-LOLing laugh.

So what does it REALLY mean to LOL or LMAO or LMFAO or if you are a woman of a certain age like myself LOLSHIPMP*??

To me it means to have a deep guttural laugh that seems to come out of nowhere.  One minute you're doing your thing and the next a sound comes out that is neither foreseen nor controlled.

A spit take.  A deep rumble.   A giddy twittering of angel wings fluttering in your diagram.

Real LOL moments are few and far between.  I have had lots good chuckling moments and some great grunt laugh times and everything in between.  But to truly LOL you must be able to forget anything and everything that is happening except that one thing that is making you feel so good.

The Perfect Match by Kristan Higgins is the perfect LOL book.  Honor's character makes you feel all the emotions and when those moments of pure and total humor come out in the story you have no other choice but to really and truly LOL.  Kristan humor is real and smart, it is never forced upon you.  It's the simple day-to-day moments in the story that make you truly feel like laughing out loud.

Check out all the books in The Blue Heron series.
Also Kristan Higgin's new book If You Only Knew is out now.

To learn more about Bares Repeating Monday go here.

*LOLSHIPMP: Laughing Out Loud So Hard I Peed My Pants